FAQ - Questions and Answers about the calculator of complex numbers "CaRevol Jet"

How the calculator of complex numbers looks? screenshot of the calculator of complex numbers "CaRevol Jet"


How to indicate an imaginary part of a complex number? In the calculator of complex numbers "CaRevol Jet"

To indicate an imaginary part of a complex number before figure it is necessary to put a sign i.
i 7
By pressing this combination of buttons you receive number i7.

6 + i 3
By pressing this combination of buttons you receive number 6+i3.

How is correct to make the formula? In the calculator of complex numbers "CaRevol Jet"

At compiling of the formulas the usual rules of priorities act. At first is considered that inside the most steep brackets, gradually uncovering brackets all evaluations are reduced up to one level.

Division both multiplication then addition and subtraction at first is executed.
Therefore at calculations is correct place priorities with the help of of brackets.

For example following formulas will give a different outcome:
1 - i2 * 3 + i2 = 1 - i4
(1 - i2) * (3 + i2) = 7 - i4

Or division
1 - i2 / 3 + i2 = 1 - i4
(1 - i2) / (3 + i2) = 7 - i4

How to use functions? In the calculator of complex numbers "CaRevol Jet"

At use of functions it is necessary to open a function according by a button, and after input of argument to close by a button CF (close function). In different skins it looks different, but in the formula on a screen of the calculator the functional brackets are square. For Example:
sin[ Pi / 4 ] =

How to calculate a module and argument of a complex number? In the calculator of complex numbers "CaRevol Jet"

Press button "Vec" - in an outcome will be opened window Vectorial functions and constants
Vec Const

Two large orange buttons - mod and arg calculate a module and argument of a complex number. Remaining small-sized yellow buttons are predetermined constants for convenience of evaluations.

For Example:
mod[ 1 + i ] =

The argument is calculated in radians. Therefore if you want to receive an outcome for example in degrees, it is necessary to use functions of conversion of measures of angles. These functions are in window Geo.

For Example in radians:

And in degrees:

How I can use constants? In the calculator of complex numbers "CaRevol Jet"

Simplly press a button with the necessary constant and it already in the formula.

And what else I can use functions for calculations with complex numbers? In the calculator of complex numbers "CaRevol Jet"

All functions, what are in the calculator are calculated from complex numbers. Only functions of conversion of angles use extremely Real part of number as argument.

Evaluation of a square root from a complex number:

The functions are possible are to put each other, For Example with an evaluation of argument of a complex number obtained from the radical square -i9 in degrees:

And suddenly your calculator incorrectly calculate? The calculator of complex numbers "CaRevol Jet"

Here for a comparison outcomes of a package MathCad ©.

Raising of a complex number in a complex degree:

Hyperbolic sine of a complex number:

I already have calculated the large formula, whether it is possible to use it an outcome in other formula? In the calculator of complex numbers "CaRevol Jet"

Yes, it is possible. For it there is a button PR (previous result - previous outcome). How it works? As soon as you have pressed a button "=" an outcome of evaluations was recorded in a constant PR and now you can it insert into consequent evaluations.

Let`s summarize that that was said above and we shall try расчитать the first space speed. Here the formula from a text-book of physics:

Rgeo - Radius of a planet. For example Earth [6.37 x 106 m].
ggeo - Accelaration of gravity on a surface of a planet. For example Earth [9.81 m/sec2].
ggeo - Is firmware as a constant in the calculator!
h - Orbital altitude above a surface of a planet. Let will be 10km = 10 x 103.

Rgeo Meets twice. To not type twice, at first we shall store this number in the previous outcome. And calculation of the formula will become possible for one pass. So we shall begin.
Remember Rgeo in PR :
6 . 3 7
AX 1 0 ; 6 CF

After fulfilment of calculation [ = ] the outcome is stored in PR. Now calculation of the formula:
g / ( 1 0 0 0 0 + PR ) CF =

Outcome: the first space speed of a injection of an Artificial Satellite of the Earth on altitude of 10 (kms) for a planet the Earth of 7897,496 (ms).